Change in Diet (Part 4)

By |June 26th, 2024|Categories: Brooks|

As a new believer I instinctively understood the need for a proper spiritual diet, and it's not that complicated. There are two primary things required to grow spiritually. The Word of God as your source The Holy Spirit as your teacher Jesus said man does not live on bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth go God. (Matt 4:4) I looked to my Pastor and teachers within the church to guide me, but my spiritual diet was up to me. I remember hearing people say they'd left their church because they weren't being

Change in Diet (Part 3)

By |June 24th, 2024|Categories: Brooks|

A few weeks into the Carnivore diet I was already experiencing the affects of removing sugar and carbs, and while the most notable change was mental clarity, my body felt better as well. With less inflammation came less muscle soreness and better mobility. Weight loss was also evident as I was no longer retaining excess water, but as I've previously stated, that wasn't the main objective. I didn't want to be like the kid who just got back from a week at church camp, but I did want to tell what was happening with those closest

Change in Diet (Part 2)

By |June 18th, 2024|Categories: Brooks|

When you hear the word "diet," what comes to mind? Something you need to do? Something you need to do again? A program designed to help you lose weight? Technically, "all the above" could be the right answer, but how you define the word can change your life. Do you see "diet" as something you do for a designated period of time or a decision to permanently change the way you eat. If your primary goal is weight loss, odds are you will more than likely return to the way of eating that got you there in

Change in Diet (Part 1)

By |June 12th, 2024|Categories: Brooks|

One day as I walked passed a gift shop in the Mall of America, I saw a black shirt displayed in the front window with the Heinz logo and the words, "I put Ketchup on my Ketchup." If you know you know. There were two things I loved putting on my food as a kid. Sugar and ketchup. (which is loaded with sugar) I remember the little box of sugar cubes my mom had for her coffee. Loved to take one and let it dissolve in my mouth. Sugar made the foods I liked taste better,


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