Owners Manual

By |February 7th, 2025|Categories: Brooks|

Learning how to study your Bible is important, but equally important is answering the questions of the why and the what.  Why are you studying? What are you looking for in its pages?  In John 5:39, Jesus tells the Pharisees, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.” (NKJV) Other versions translate “search” as “pore over” (CSB), “study” (NIV), and “search and keep on searching” (AMP).  It’s clear they were committed to the study of Scripture, yet they was so fixated on their

Process of Elimination

By |February 6th, 2025|Categories: personal|

Today is February 06th, 2025, and it marks the one year anniversary of my decision to radically change my diet to achieve better health. 12 months ago I focused not only on what was “good” for my body, but just as importantly, eliminating that which was not. If your goal is to be as healthy, elimination plays a vital role in that process. You can increase the “good,” but if you don’t eliminate the “bad,” while you may marginally get better, you’ll never achieve maximum health. This is true not only in regard to your physical

Leaving Social Media

By |February 3rd, 2025|Categories: personal|

For what it’s worth... On February 06th, I will be deleting all of my social media accounts. If you’d like further context, please feel free to watch the video. This is not me making a “statement” of any kind, nor is my intent to tell others they should do the same. You do you. --------------------------- During my time in ministry, while there are things I would have done differently, there were a few I felt I got right. 1. Stress the importance of “knowing” the Word of God 2. Teach others to recognize the Holy Spirit

Cost of Ownership

By |January 17th, 2025|Categories: Brooks|

As many of you may know, I worked in the Travel Industry from 1979 thru 1990. I took great pride in finding the lowest airfares for anyone who walked into our agency, and will have to say, became pretty good at it. Once I’d quoted the client a fee, it was the total charge to get roundtrip from point A to point B.  Not anymore.  Travel today and there are a myriad of additional costs you will most likely incur.  Would you like to select your seat in advance? Do you want the “premium section” of

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