Taking it Personal

Do you have someone you can count on to tell you the truth? The real truth, and nothing but the truth.

I hope so. We all need friends like that.

A friend who, when you ask, “Hey, does this shirt make me look stupid?” may honestly reply, “Yes, and you nailed it.”

I’ve seen my fashion choices in the 70’s, and evidently, I did not.

This person is someone who loves you, and of course you love in return. If you didn’t, a comment like that and they’d soon be your ex-friend.

Steve was that kind of friend to me. I often said if someone overheard our conversations they’d probably think we didn’t even like each other. “Idiot”, “moron”, and “pig” were just a few of his terms of endearment for me. (the only ones I can print)

None of these words I found offensive because I knew Steve loved me, and let’s be honest, they may have also been slightly accurate.

In the early days of ministry I was just about to share a Sunday morning message when approached by a woman in the congregation who had a “word” for me. Evidently God told her to come to me 45 seconds before I was to walk on the platform to tell me I use the word “you” too often, and someone may take that personally.

Silly me, I thought that was the point.

To be fair, I may have overused the word at times, but also know how effective the generic “we” can be to an audience. Nothing creates a teflon atmosphere quicker than giving your audience an out. Admit it, how many times have you sat in church wishing “so and so” were here today, because boy could they really use this! (you probably even sent them the link to the video…you know, “in love”)

People equate “taking it personal” with “being offended.” They’re not necessarily synonymous. Some of the greatest testimonies of salvation, healing, and deliverance are spoken by those who “took it personal.” Saying things like, “I thought I was the only one he was preaching to that day.”

Imagine that…they took it personal.

And so should you. (oops, did it again)

Every time you open your Bible, listen to an online message or a Sunday sermon, you should take it personal.

“Holy Spirit, speak to me,” should be on your daily prayer list. “Give me ears to hear.”

Jesus paid the ultimate price so we could have a personal relationship with him. Is your walk more transactional than relational?

If so, you need to take it personal.

We all need to take it personal.

By Published On: March 2nd, 2024Categories: Brooks0 Comments on Taking it Personal

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