Every church has at least one. That person who after service, has “a word” to share with somone. Hearing something to which they see a correlation in scripture, they jump at the opportunity to share “what God said” about their situation. It isn’t a bad thing necessarily. It could be a word of encouragement in a time of despair, or comfort in a time of suffering. It’s someone who loves the Word of God, and wants to share that which seems appropriate in that moment. They may pull you aside and speak the word, or hand it to
Long before Facebook memes, I saw a sign that read, “Why is there so much month left at the end of the money?” Boy could I relate. Like when the electric bill would come in the mail, and the “balance due” exceeded the “new balance” in my checkbook. (Okay, who am I kidding, my way of “balancing” my checkbook was to change banks) Let’s just say I was pretty sure it was more than I had at the time. In my early years, Rick Idell, my childhood friend and I were roommates. Neither of us were flush with
“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13) Before you buy that t-shirt, bumper sticker, hat, wristband, coffee mug, bookmark, poster, or get that tattoo, let’s talk. We often see this scripture quested when one completes an extreme physical challenge, like a marathon, triathlon, or in my case, two flights of stairs. I don't doubt their sincerity when they say it’s God who gives them strength to get up at 4:30 in the morning to run, to get plenty of sleep, and stay out of the fast food line. (all disciplines which have
The untimely death of a cousin brought my extended family together for a graveside service. After the closing prayer, I walked across the cemetery grass to say hello to my Grandmother. In a wheelchair beside her, was the Pastor of her church, Reverend E.M. Replogle. Reverend Replogle began pastoring the Gospel Lighthouse, a small Pentecostal Church in West Fresno, Ca, in 1950. He was in the final years of his ministry, and while his body was frail, he was strong in spirit. As I approached, Grandma smiled and introduced me. “Brother Replogle”, she said. “I want you to meet